You should quit playing this game if you want to work for yourself someday.

You should quit playing this game if you want to work for yourself someday.

Do you really want to make money on the internet?

All of the bloggers that write about making money online make it out to being something easy to do, but I assure you it is not. You can’t just sign up for latest information course and believe their programs alone can help you.

You first need to help yourself

Yes I know it sounds cheesy and stupid but just hear me out.

Last month I earned $4,000 on my websites which was a huge turning point for me considering since first starting websites back in 2005 I never broke the $1,000 barrier until earlier this year in 2009.

(November 2013 update: I wrote this post over 4 years ago and my last month’s income was $86,401.31 quitting WoW was good for me.)

It’s so important that you seriously devote the time necessary to succeed online. If all you’re doing is reading all of the blogs, paying for training programs and looking for shortcuts to riches yet you fail to spend any quality time on your own work than WTF are you doing?

I speak from first hand experience here. Here is the email I sent to my wife after breaking my addiction to World of Warcraft, which was a major turning point to get me back on track to my most ambitious goal.

Date: Feb 11th 2009
Title: I canceled my WoW account

I can still play until March 5th apparently, but I won’t. I wasted too much of my life playing a stupid game.

I want you to hold onto this email so that the next time a new version of WoW comes out I don’t go reactivate my account and play again.

To date I played:

14 days, 9 hours, 29 minutes and 38 seconds

That’s a ton of time spent playing a video game when I have way more stuff going on in my life.

I’m sorry I spent as much time as I did and I can promise you that I’ll never play WoW again.

I wrote an email because it was 3:00 AM in the morning after I was logging off of WoW and didn’t want to wake her up. I quit World of Warcraft because I knew it was consuming my life and my chances at ever being self employed. So 345 hours, 29 minutes and 38 seconds later I broke the WoW addiction and basically became addicted to working on my websites instead. I have been working on average 2 – 4 hours a day on my websites because I want to be making as much money online as possible by the day I quit my job. I also owe my friend Phil – the critic – a little credit as well because every day on the way to work when we would carpool I would share all of these ideas I had to make money online and he would say, “That’s great – why aren’t you doing anything about it?”

So I guess the point of this post is that if you have things in your life that are holding you back from your goals you need to make a lifestyle change in order to achieve any success online.

What do you think?

March 10th 2014 Update:

Quitting WoW was one of the best decisions in my life.

Whatever your addiction is whether it’s WoW or something else I urge you to give it up.

Now nearly 5 years after writing this post I can say happily that my life wouldn’t be nearly as awesome as it is now had I not made this decision to quit this game.

Tip: It’s easier to quit after a marathon gaming session where you feel guilty for being so unproductive.

If you don’t quit now I hope this post will plant a seed in your head to quit some day.