I’m always looking for great guest posts for this blog. What I look for in a good guest post is actionable advice / tips based on your personal experience. What I don’t care to see is a fluffy list post (read this).

Why Would You Want to Guest Post Here?

Your post will be exposed to our which will expose your website or brand to a whole new group of loyal internet entrepreneur readers. We also receive well over 10,000 unique visitors per month that can see your blog post.

Great Example Guest Post:

Here is an example of a great guest post: How To Maximize Adsense Earnings

This guest post came from someone that had expert knowledge on a subject (Adsense) and did a great job teaching actionable information to the readers based on his experience (He currently makes $10k+ per month from Adsense).

Send Your Guest Post Submissions Here:

Create guest post submissions as a pre-formatted post for WordPress via a .txt document. I want to be able to just copy and paste the code into WordPress and have it look good.

When you’re done, email your guest post submission to chris [at] upfuel.com