Category Archives: Personal

  1. I’m going to the Elite Retreat

    I just got off the phone with Jeremy aka Shoemoney a few hours ago and I’m officially heading to New York for the Elite Retreat October 1st and the 2nd. I live in Seattle, WA now so it’ll be quite a journey to make it over to New York. I’ll…

  2. Do you really want to make money online?

    Do you really want to make money on the internet? All of the bloggers that write about making money online make it out to being something easy to do, but I assure you it is not. You can’t just sign up for latest information course and believe their programs alone…

  3. Goal Update: I made $4,000 last month

    It’s nice to see that after a ton of hard work and several low earning website ideas, I’m finally having some more success with web entrepreneurship in my life. The other day I condensed my journey in as little words as I could via this entry 202 Posts Later and…

  4. Go Bigger Dual or Go Home

    It’s been a while since I provided an update, but I really wanted to share an upgrade to my office workspace. Moving from one monitor to two monitors is like moving from 56k dial up internet to broadband – ok maybe it’s more like moving from DSL to Cable internet…

  5. Motivation for self employment

    The other day I revealed my plan of self employment by April 2011. I mentioned that I love my job now, but I also know that I am currently making the company I work for considerably more money than I’m earning. No matter how hard I work for someone else,…

  6. My Plan for 2009 – Self Employment in 2011

    The very first post I wrote covering goals was over a year ago on my goals for 2008. For the most part I was unsuccessful on almost every goal. But should I count 2008 as a complete disaster? Of course not. I learned an incredible amount about blogging, internet marketing,…

  7. My Goals for 2008 Revisited

    If I were into traditional New Years resolutions than I would have had my goals for 2009 posted Jan 1st and a wrap up on 2008 posted before that; however, I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out where I can realistically be at the end of 2009 which I’ll…

  8. Who is your Critic?

    Do you have someone that constantly challenges your ideas? Or do you simply come up with an idea and quickly race to launch it? If you don’t have a critic in your life than I suggest you find one. One of my best friends who was my college roommate and…

  9. 9 ways to Protect your Online Assets

    In a recent post I shared my story on how I almost lost it all. I have learned a lot since that experience and I’ve compiled a list of 9 ways to protect your online assets in an attempt to help save you from my close call. I hope you…

  10. How I almost lost it all

    I’ve had this post draft saved in my control panel for nearly a year and I decided it was time to share my story about how I nearly lost all of my domains. This is a longer than average post for me; however, for anyone that is concerned about having…