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Podcast episode number 21 is now live on iTunes
In this podcast episode my new co-host, Casey Ames, and I interview Matt Stone. Matt is not only a�Kindle book author, but also has an indie publishing company and a book promotion website.
In this episode we discuss Kindle marketing strategies, how Matt is using 99 cent books to make money on Amazon, and much more.
People on this Episode
@180DegreeHealth�(Matt Stone)
Items Discussed In This Episode:
Intro: Matt Stone,
-How Matt and Rob Archangel start indie book publishing (3 minute)
-Why Matt releases his books at $0.99 (5 minute)
-Peaking your books around Christmas for maximize earnings (7 minute)
-What goes into a publishing package through Archangel Ink (8 minute)
-How Amazon’s Kindle book rankings work and why $0.99 helps (9 minute)
-Using free promos for exposure (10 minute)
-How Buck Books works and why it’s free for authors (12 minute)
-How Buck Books uses Amazon Associates to make money (13 minute)
-How Buck Books used marketing events to start growing their list (16 minute)
-Who Buck Flogging is (20 minute)
-The success of Buck Book promoted books, including best sellers on Wall Street Journal and Kindle Store (23 minute)
-What are the 5 key factors to making a book succeed and sticking after the promo (28 minute)
-What Matt thinks of my book How to Make Money as an Amazon Associate (34 minute)
Links Mentioned
Joining the Buck Books Affiliate Program (If you’d like to make money promoting a service that offers books for a buck) (If you’d like to sign up and be notified about books that are sold for a buck)
Derek Murphy –
My affiliate link for BuckBooks
How To Get The Podcast:
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Hi Chris
Sounds very interesting but I am having trouble listening to this. I get a message file not found. Not sure if the problem is on my side or there.
I just tested again not seeing an issue…?
Yeah man, sorry, my bad. Or should I say our campus’ internet bad. There is something wrong here with the connection. It doesn’t want to connect to certain elements on sites or certain websites. I’ll talk to the administrator or use a proxy.
How do I submit a book to Matt for promotion and revenue sharing? I’m not seeing it on the website.