After nearly 2 years with the same design it was time to say goodbye to the past and hello to the future. I’ve moved this blog over to Thesis and specifically am using a customized version of the Marketers Delight theme created by Alex Mangini / Kolakube.

Why I Chose Thesis / Kolakube Skins

For a while I had been planning to get a new design and when I reached out to Alex after finding Marketers Delight he was really helpful and so I moved forward with him and his design. I also chose to build upon Thesis because I have several friends who’ve been using Thesis for a while on their authority style blogs so I decided to make the switch and try it out.

Want A Similiar Design?

Alex will be raising the prices on all of his Thesis skins in less than 2 days so if you like this look of a site feel free to check out the official Marketers Delight skin. It will look different than the one you see here, but there are a lot of things you can customize.

Check out Kolakube skins here
(not an aff link)

Overall – I’m very pleased with the design

I plan to make some graphics for the sidebar to link to some of my software projects, and pillar articles on my website but I didn’t want to make those until I saw the finished design first. What do you think of the new look? I’d love to see some comments below.