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Podcast episode number 19 is now live on iTunes
In this podcast episode I interview Spencer Haws about Vylo a project he started with his team member Perrin. This episode is different because we’re speaking at a much earlier stage of the project so you can learn from some of the earlier growth attempts.
Vylo is a voice chat software, marketed specifically to gamers, but is also useful to anyone who needs to create a chat room.
We discuss how they got it up and running, their monetization strategies and what marketing techniques they are using the grow the software.
Items Discussed In This Episode:
Intro:�Spencer Haws,,�
-What is Vylo and how did Perrin come up with the idea
-How Perrin found the minimum viable way to test the idea
-How Perrin collected 6,000 emails in 24 hours
-Why collecting emails at every stage of a business is important
-How Perrin created a free demo video for the landing page
-What process they used to find a developer
-How they warmed up a cold email list to announce the launch
-Their monetization strategy of having
-How and Why they are using Reddit as their main marketing outlet
-Keys to creating a software business
Links Mentioned
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