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Podcast episode number 12 is now live on iTunes. In this podcast episode I speak with Ty Cohen who I met at a conference in North Carolina earlier this year. We were at dinner in a large group and I got to talking with Ty and he told me his story about his success with Kindle and I had to get him onto the podcast to tell me more.
Ty currently generates over $35,000 per month selling Kindle books! This is yet another great method to build additional income with.
Items Discussed In This Episode:
Amazon Advantage
Amazon Kindle
Where To hire writers:
3 Most Important Elements In Selling A Book
Best Price To Sell Books At
How To Publish On Kindle:
Kindle Direct Publishing
I’ll be updating those interested on my progress with making money with Kindle books via the above link as well as giving your more information about how Ty drives such large numbers on the Kindle.
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I’ve just started to figure out Kindle publishing and am getting my outsourcing system down, but Ty’s tips on lead gen will take it to a new level.
Thanks for publishing this and not keeping it to yourself after you heard Ty give away his highly valuable secrets 😉
Hey Nate,
Yah it’s given me a ton of ideas for additional traffic sources, income sources etc. for my network of websites. I’m looking at doing Kindle books related to all of my higher traffic sites.
This is an awesome podcast. Well worth the 2 month wait 😉 Thanks for interviewing Ty.
Outsourcing, publishing and selling Kindle ebooks for a 30 to 70% commission looks very simple and an effective technique for passive income and buyer list building too. It’s not that much of a stretch from outsourcing content to post on the internet like I do now.
Right now, I’d feel totally comfortable doing this without feeling overwhelmed. Now to go and see what niches to cover! I’d be really interested to see more numeric parameters or indicators that a niche or topic is still worth writing an e-book on, but I guess it is part gut feel too. Cheers!
Hey Claire, yah I’ve thought about writing a book related to online marketing stuff but we’ll see. Not sure yet I guess heh heh.
Which Amazon Kindle book is Ty selling bunches of? Hard to see that at Amazon.
I’m going to see if I can get him to do an online training or something so that we can ask him questions. I didn’t ask him for specific titles because I’m sure there are similiarties on the Kindle platform as there are with websites.
For example – I don’t like to broadcast to the world all of the websites I own that are banking every month because I don’t want the competition and likewise if he tells people “this is a book that is making me money” what will people do? Go make a book about the same topic lol…
Chris, thanks for this interview. I have interviewed some successful kindle publishers on my blog as well but TY seems to be making much more than them.
I am also reading and studying all the ebooks I could get on amazon kindle publishing and just to put one in the kindle publishing platform is the thing – i’m kinda scared.
Thanks for the podcast Chris! Not trying to go negative here – but I saw Ty’s webinar about 18 months ago on Kindle in which he says he’s making $35k/month. It sounds to me as if he’s pretty much saying the exact same things now he said then. Alot has changed at Amazon in terms of publishing – similar to Google’s changes over the past year. Your content better be original, it better be awesome, it better be formatted correctly and the cover better look awesome – two years ago you could throw up a ho-hum outsourced or plr book and make money – not now. Ty mentioned he’s updated some of his teachings – not sure why he didn’t highlight these critical Amazon changes on this podcast.
Hey Kent, if I recall he was mentioning that there were changes which is why he mentioned he’s updated his course material. In either case those are valid points.
There is only so much time for the podcast (it ran long a bit actually) and I was working from a set of questions I created that I thought people wanted to know about (and that I wanted to know as well lol). Wasn’t as aware about some of the changes but I’ll keep that in mind.
Chris, I really appreciated your thoughts on diversifying income streams. Can you explain a little more about how lead generation can be used with Kindle sales?
Hey Nick, the idea is that you can reference URL’s in your book itself.
i.e. final page could be a call to action to go to X URL to get X bonus
That then helps you build an email list that you can market similar products and services related to the topic to.
I published 3 small books last month and have already generated over $100 in commissions. I can definitely see how this can explode if you apply outsourcing to it (my next step).
I’m writing a longer book to see how that will go in comparison to the short ones. It’s all about experimentation and seeing what works and what doesn’t.
Hey Josh – that’s awesome that you’re already generating some sales. Are you trying to capture any of those buyers by getting them added to email lists etc. as leads?
Chris and Ty, very valuable interview. I noticed you didn’t mention CreateSpace, which to me, is the midpoint between Amazon Advantage and Kindle. You never used CreateSpace?
Also, I don’t think you mentioned what the average cost to outsource your content is. Because you said you got ripped off at $800-$1000 for the lawyer to write for you. But if you made your money back plus a nice profit, you certainly didn’t get ripped off. But maybe you paid too much. Big difference. That is, if the content was good, which I’m assuming it was. (<;)
And speaking of good content, do you or someone else review and scrutinize the content produced by your outsourcers before you publish it? You know, spelling, grammar, syntax, etc. And finally, do you publish all this stuff under your name or a pen name?
Thanks again guys!
Hey Russ, great questions. I got more emails about this podcast than any other I’ve published before and I’m going to see if I can get Ty on to do an extended webinar training as well.
This conversation could have gone for hours if we really dove into everything lol.
Good questions for the webinar if I’m able to get Ty to do one.
Man, thanks so much for all the valuable information you are providing with all the podcast.
Hey Johnny,
I am just starting with Amazon Kindle and I really want to thanks Ty and Chris for this awesome interview. I found it very helpful and Ty gave me more courage to start it to write my own content for Kindle. Thanks for mentioning about lead generation…would never though about Amazon Kindle in that aspect.
Great info, thank you guys : )
Hey Elena, yah the lead generation idea is one of the most important things in my opinion because then you’re able to build your own customer lists instead of relying on people searching the Kindle marketplace for your books etc.
Hmmm, great podcast… Is there anyway to get a direct link to Ty Cohen’s ‘Kindle Cash Flow’ page? All I can find online is spammy affiliate review type pages that provide no value or reliable links…
Hit up that’s where I’m going to provide more info on my Kindle results / alert people if I can get Ty on to do a webinar.
I’m just starting out with Kindle (after getting ‘penguined’) … one book published now with the second one due in the next 7 days.
I’ve also put the first book onto Createspace … rumour is it helps with the rankings on Amazon.
I enjoyed the podcast … thanks Chris/Ty.
Hey Sarah – yah I’m all about diversifying income streams. I think that’s the next thing I’ll be writing a blog post about.
The 10 different ways I’ve generated $1,000+ per month from each income stream type of thing.
That was an amazing podcast! I never realized how much everything just goes in a full circle. ClickBank, Amazon, market research, apps, niche sites, email lists, outsourcing etc… This really helped glue a lot of little pieces into a bigger picture! Thanks Chris!
This was so inspiring and encouraging! Hope Chris gets around to answering the questions, b/c I have one: does Ty publish everything under his own name, or does he use mostly psuedonyms?
Cool podcast! I would like to know more about how lead generation can be used with Kindle sales. Will appreciate your help on this Chris.
Very good podcast. I’m going to second the request from @Bizz. Can’t find that course. I’m interested to see what it has to offer.
What a great informative post from your about Podcast. Your article is so inspiring to me because I am a beginner about your podcast I like your information so much. Thanks a lot.
[…] heard of people earning $1k a month all the way up to $35k a month. Seems like it’s starting to be the latest craze, which is kind of why I want to get in early […]
I am so grateful that you shared this valuable information. It will help me a great deal.
How can I read books dedicated to Kindle without Amazon Kindle? In Poland it’s not so popular and some books are only on this platform…
You can download Kindle for PC and read Kindle books on your computer.
Downloading now. Total beginner at this. But looking to expand into ebooks in the future.
[…] have 2 kindle books being outsourced right now, and have ideas for more after listening to Chris Guthrie’s podcast with Ty Cohen�and joining the Webinar […]
35k a month is a lot of money! I need to listen to this podcast now and see where it can take me! Kindle is nice
Great podcast. Ty Cohen never gave a link to where we could find him or find out more about him. Could any one provide me with a link to his blog or website or anything
I just purchased this product through one of your emails and upon
receiving it All the CDs were blank. No way of getting a hold of anyone.
Really would like my money back!
Hey Teresa, email me and I’ll get you in contact with Ty – not sure why that would have come through like that.
Okay, I wrote this before but the comment didn’t show up. You can purchase his course at There is a great webinar that Ty did that gives more details about his method at
Updated your links to where people can buy if they’re interested in some of the bonuses that Ty offered on our webinar.
It is hard to buy for some one, when the only thing that you know about him is his sales page. No website, no blog, no Facebook page, no Twitter no Google +; just a sales page. Hmmmm, I think that I will pas on this one. The interview and the information were great but not enough to make me hit the “buy” button.
Hey Alain, we had done a webinar etc before that you likely missed out on.
[…] am very excited to be starting Kindle publishing shortly. �Thanks to this Blog post, and podcast from Chris Guthrie and the subsequent webinar, we are going for […]
Can’t wait to listen to this as Kindle seems to be the way forward.
So excited to see your doing podcast. I have a lot to catch up on. This one was great…I have so many ideas. I hope you’ll try to find some others to interview on the topic and keep us updated on your ventures into e-books.
Thanks, yah I’ve got more podcasts ready along with other things planned as well. Stay tuned. 🙂
35,000 a month wow….I only imagined that is possible with adsense on websites or youtube. Thanks for the podcast. Has really opened my mind
Hi Chris,
great interview with TY! Great Questions and solid answers. I really appreciate your good work.
[…] that piqued my interests was an interview Chris Guthrie did with Ty Cohen on how to make $35,000+ a month on […]
I know this is an old interview, but you should update some of the info by posting another article. Maybe you have and I just haven’t seen it yet.
1. Kindle royalties are now 35% – 70%
2. Did anyone mention that you can use your Amazon Affiliate link to link to your own books? Double whammy.
Yah I haven’t been focusing on Kindle and so haven’t had a chance to really prioritize sharing that info.