Now that I’ve settled into my new home and have had time to think about going into 2010 as a full time internet entrepreneur I thought it would be best to write some specific and measurable goals for the new year. I’ve split these up into professional and personal:


1. Earn over $150,000 across my network of websites
2. Spend at least $50,000 on quality domain names to be developed
3. Work at least 5 hours a day for a minimum of 25 hours per week
4. Hire at least one full time writer

My first goal of earning $150,000 in 2010 will be tough, but I make $410.97 every day of the year I’ll earn more than $150,000. Because I watch my earnings every day I can make sure I keep tabs on where I’m falling short. I also want to spend at least $50,000 on quality domain names. I believe in buying quality domain names and then developing truly great websites for them. I’ve also found that since Oct 13th when I got fired from my job last year I found it difficult to work more than 4 hours a day at a time, especially since I was making more money than my day job where I spent 8+ hours a day working. I know that if I devote at least 5 hours a day or more to work that should help me to achieve my primary goal of earning $150,000 in 2010. I also know that I will need to create a ton of content for the websites I’m creating so I need to hire on a full time writer to help with content creation. I haven’t decided if I want to hire on a native English speaker or if I should just opt for the cheaper $500 a month overseas writer instead… I’ll cover this in more detail when I get there though.

Personal goals are continued after the break…


1. Buy a house
2. Donate at least $10,000 to charity
3. Cook an entirely brand new healthy meal once per month
4. Work out at least 2 times per week
5. Re-Learn Spanish well enough to carry on a conversation with a native speaker
6. Go to Disneyworld with my wife

My wife and I would really like to stop renting and move into a place we can own. I also happen to believe that housing prices have near bottomed in the area we’re looking – Washington. I know there may be some difficulty in getting approval for a loan since I am self employed but I’m sure I’ll figure something out. If I can reach my primary goal of earning $150,000 in 2010 then I don’t see why I can’t donate at least $10,000 to charity. I believe that living in America with the opportunities we have available requires us to give back to those less fortunate than ourselves (specifically people in other nations). I also want to try and expand my food horizons by cooking a new unique meal once per month. In the past I’ve cooked before, but it’s always been the same 3 or 4 meals so that’s why I wanted to lump this goal in there. Along the same lines of healthy food I also would like to get into better shape. I’m not overweight or anything, but my lifestyle is so inactive that I am terrible shape. I already got a gym membership about a month ago but have still not gone yet (so I need to work on this one ASAP). I also would like to re learn the Spanish language in 2010. I spent 2 years in high school learning Spanish but I have since forgotten most of it. My brother speaks near fluent Spanish so I hope to carry on conversations with him for practice. I’d also really like to go to Disneyworld with my wife this year too. She finishes graduate school in the summer and has a month long break before going to do her six months of unpaid internship work so I would like to fit it in there. We have yet to go on a vacation with just each other in the 3 plus years we’ve been married so we’re long overdue. Lastly, I need to spend more time reading my Bible. I’m a Christian, but often times I don’t act like it and I believe that reading my Bible daily would be a great start in the right direction.

Wrap Up:

I’ve done my best to make them as specific and measurable as possible so that when 2011 rolls around I can easily go through and evaluate them. I also believe all of the goals I’ve written are feasible and when I look back on the year I can be quite satisfied when I was accomplish them. If you haven’t written goals for the year I would suggest you do (even if you don’t post them publicly). Just keep in mind the importance of writing goals that can be specifically measured otherwise it will be difficult to determine how well you did in the year.

What do you think of my goals?