Last month after a few years of not posting regular income reports I shared my first report along with the fact that I had made $41,370.67 in October 2013.
In November I more than doubled October’s results for a final tally of $86,401.31 profit in a single month! (boo yah)
I’d love to say this was a normal month for me and that the $41,370.67 of the previous month was uncharacteristically low, but November was actually my high mark for the entire year due in large part to a wire transfer I received for $42,000 from a website I sold.
Table Of Contents
Video Proof Logging Into My Escrow Account
I knew that I’d have a comment or two from skeptics doubting that I actually made the money (and people that simply chose not to comment). So for this month I decided to show the largest source of my income for the month (my $42k website sale) by logging into my Escrow account and explaining some more parts of the sale:
Webcam tilt fail, should have tilted down more hah.
How Else Did I Make Money In November?
The same usual suspects I shared last month:
Income Source 1: Running my portfolio of websites
Income Source 2: Buying and occasionally selling websites
Income Source 3: Software products I hire others to develop
Income Source 4: Email marketing
Income Source 5: Miscellaneous stuff
You can read more about those in my last income report.
Previously I explained why I couldn’t share a detailed breakdown of my income sources. Most people who commented understood, but it basically comes down to the fact that it’s a huge risk for very little to no upside for me.
If I share every single website I own along with how much money it made, or which software product I own made me the most money etc. it draws far too much unnecessary attention and an insight no competitor shares with me.
Important: About My Income Reports
When you read an income report like this where I’m sharing that I made $86,401.31 profit in a single month it’s important to realize that this level of income has come from a little over four years of running my business full time and a few years before that of trying things out while still working a 9 – 5 day job.
I also want to point out that while it should be irrelevant to you what I spend my money on, the proceeds from this month will likely go right back into my business in the form of buying a bigger website to replace the one I sold for $42,000.
(I gotta do something to replace – and ideally exceed – that lost $1,500+ per month income stream).

Soon my friend… soon. src
As much as I’d like to buy a Tesla Model S in cash from one month’s earnings, I learned 6 years ago that buying my 2008 Subaru WRX dream car at the time only increased my happiness temporarily until I realized that I’d have to work that much harder to make up for the new found debt I found myself in.
Instead, I’ll save the Tesla for my first 7 figure profit year (even then I’d probably just buy it used).
The idea of investing back into my business is more about hitting my goal of financial independence well before I reach 40 years old.
But with all that said…
Here’s How I’ll Help You In 2014:
I completely understand that me sharing these numbers without a lot of insight into every source I earn my money from does little more than to just prove that I’m at least somewhat successful (depending on your definition of the word), but with these reports I hope they inspire and show you that it is possible to build a substantial online business working entirely from home.
Just five years ago I was making less than $1,000 per month, but in one month I made over double my entire year’s salary at the last job I was fired from four years ago and that’s what excites me about online business. The ability to scale.
What I’m doing in 2014 is to create more nothing held back public case studies from start to finish (like this one) showing you how to make money with websites by revealing URLs for websites I own or doing Kindle books etc along with revealing sales information, income reports and marketing strategies that I employ to achieve success.
Either way, if you’d like to learn start to finish how I make money online please do join my email list below to receive updates on new case study posts I share in 2014 and beyond.
Hope this helps and I’d love to hear from you. I reply to every comment.
Hey Chris,
These income reports are pretty motivating.
I wanted to ask, after how many visitors a day, would you recommend I start putting Adsense ads onto a site?
Hey Rahat, could start really whenever I suppose. I typically start at the beginning and scale up or down the advertising based on website metrics (i.e. time spent on site etc, but that is more difficult to calculate without a lot of traffic)
Awesome Chris, I have been following your mailing list since listening to you on the SPI Podcast. You and Spencer Haws have been a big motivation for starting small sites to profit with Amazon affiliates.
Congrats on your success.
Hey John, thanks for taking the time to comment and I appreciate the congratulations. Working on some great stuff in 2014 for you to follow along with as well.
Gracias Chris. Estoy seguro que tu curso me ser� de mucha ayuda. Conozco tus materiales y tu manera de trabajar y me parece fant�stico. Un saludo y Feliz a�o 2014
Thanks Chris for the share. It helps people starting out to see how big guys think. As per 2014 plan I do have software products and email marketing.
Awesome, keep me posted. Email marketing is great because you get to own the traffic source and not rely on other mediums to bless you with free traffic (i.e. social media, SEO etc)
Hi Chris
Your Awesome, Thanks Chris for sharing your success story.
Thank You
Rick Burdo
Thanks Rick, let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.
Congrats!! Great Job Chris! I have a simple question. Is there a certain theme or set of themes you use for your websites? I am looking to use as many revenue streams as possible like you and want a theme that will allow the best use of ad sense and affiliate links.
I use a lot of different themes from Azon Theme, Niche Website Theme, Thesis Theme (my blog) etc. The key with any theme though is to be testing your ad placements (and perhaps even your theme). I had sizable Adsense earnings to one of my websites several years ago and when I moved to a new theme (which would eventually become Azon Theme) my earnings tanked with Adsense because I wasn’t highlighting the 300 x 250 ad block anymore but my Amazon income went up more to compensate for that drop.
what i would want to know is how many websites is in your portfolio that is making 80% of that passive income. However, that is extremely high.
Just pass my first 4 digit month online so still got a long way before reaching the level you are at. Would love to see your December at some point
Hi Chris!
This is AWSOME! Now you make Pat Flynn look very bad with his monthly earnings. =D Keep up the great work and lots of health and success for 2014. Looking forward for more great content on your blog.
Hey Marc,
Hah, I don’t view it as a competition. We certainly have different businesses and Pat’s been a great guy from the moment I met him back in Fall 2010 or so.
As hard as it is I try not to compare myself to others anyway. I’m more just focused on accomplishing my goals. I could just as easily browse the Forbes 30 under 30 list and feel like I failed in my 20’s to do the great things the people on that list have accomplished but that’s not really helpful for me or for others unless it serves as an inspiration to work harder in your own life.
Thanks so much Chris, your last mail on the optin button that increased your subscribers conversion worked like mad.
Very nice, Chris. Thank you so much for your inspiration and help in the past.
Looking forward to your case study sharing in 2014. I know they will help me big time.
Happy New Year and hope you have an even better and successful one!
Hey Kent, thanks yah I’m eager to share more on that soon as well 😀
I like the way You pr�sent things: You look sinc�re and show how You struggled to become to the r�sulte You achieved!!! I sincerely Hope you’ll keep on like This -and even do better in the future- and I’m dying to discover your advices to succeed online & rest insured I’ll give back if You really tell the truth!!!
Thanks Phil, stay tuned for more actionable info in the case studies I’m doing in 2014 😀
Thanks again for the awesome content Chris.
Your content is a good boost when I get in a rut when it comes to online business.
When will you be releasing a new podcast?
Best of luck with getting that Tesla!
Cheers from Denmark
// Nicklas Kingo
Hey Nicklas, I’d like to get on a schedule for releasing them twice a month. I believe that will be doable and a solid schedule should really help with that.
Great post Chris! I really enjoyed the video and I hope you do more of them! Also congrats to you for that website sale. That’s a great win!! I look forward to learning more with you in 2014. So far I have a simple blog, one niche site and lots of goals for 2014. This time last year I didn’t even know what WordPress was, so I’ve made some progress. I first found you when you discussed CopyCatCrafts on Pat Flynn’s podcast. I love that website so if you ever want to sell that one, let me know ;). Happy New Year!!
Hey Crystal, thanks for the kind words and everything is for sale at the right price 😀 I actually put together the numbers for the website as I was looking to sell it as well and had another person that wanted to find out more. It didn’t work out but I am open to selling. I’ll send you an email.
Just started following your blog Chris, good stuff. I’m interested in seeing what you have in store for us in 2014.
Thanks Ryan!
Congrats on a terrific year Chris, and happy New Years Eve to you.
Did you mention that you have posted specific examples of previous website sales within your blog ?
Hey Phil, yah check out the popular posts on the sidebar and I did link to another smaller one I did within this post as well 🙂
Hi Chris i want to thank you for sharing your success with others . You are an inspiration to all of us. Blessings to you, your business and your family
Hey Eddie, thanks for the kind words
Congrats on the huge month! Happy New Year� hope to catch up soon!
Hey Billy thanks – yes we need to catch up as well for sure 😀
hey ,
i remember you sold one ..aff site when u first launch the ur first software (about finding kw on amazon on it ) if is cool with u ^.^ .. can u shared with us that case study ..i appreciate
thanks buddy .. talk u soon
Hi Chris,
Thanks for sharing details of your income report candidly. The message is clear, most particularly on the proof you have given about how you made $86, 401.31 in just one month. However, I would suggest for readers like me, more details and breakdown of your income report be shared. Hopefully, 2014 would be a better year!
I am a big fan of yours. I wish you a very great year again this year. I have no question with this comment only just want to wish you all the best. I am a regular customer for your products, by the way.
Hey Jim, thanks for sharing the comment and appreciate you purchasing products from me as well 😀
Congratulations Chris Guthrie to you for this Big achievement! I really appreciate your hard work for this success 🙂 God always Bless you for this achievement 🙂
Thanks Maneesha
How many hours do you work per day, on average?
Hey Kaelos, in November I had a couple 100 hour work weeks. Typical hours I’d say are about 60 hours per week sometimes less. That’s one of the things I’ll need to change in 2014 as we’re having two babies soon, but yah I work really hard and a lot of hours. Edit: Just realized I didn’t really answer the question. I’d say that over time I average out to well over 8 per day, but I have no commute and I tend to put in a regular work day then hop back on the computer in the evening to do some more work if I need to.
Firstly, Happy new year and thanks for inspiring so many of us last year.
I am about to double my number of sites ( to 2!) and wondered when it is a good time to out source tasks? Do you have a rule of which tasks to outsource , ie anything that will take you over x hours?
Thanks for your blog and I look forward to 2014
Hey Ed, you’re welcome and Happy new year to you as well.
As for outsourcing: I think as soon as you can afford to do it (and you’ve been able to prove your ability to drive revenue in your business) then you should do it. My rule is to outsource anything that takes up too much of my time but drives little to no revenue. I’ve basically worked to get to the point where I basically act as the “CEO” of my business instead of as utility employee that does anything and everything.
Doing every single little thing yourself is typically a recipe for $100,000 per year (at best – I know that’s a dream for a lot of people I suppose), but it will likely be impossible to ever scale beyond that. As soon as I started hiring others to help me I started growing my income substantially. You’ve gotta treat what you’re doing like any other business and over time you can’t do everything yourself if you want to grow.
Some good motivational stuff right here.
Thanks Jason B
Hey Chris,
Thanks for putting the time and effort into these case studies. I’m putting my own stuff on the backburner to focus on growing my new online marketing company (Vertical3), but I will continue to read and learn from what you share with us.
I would also like to say “thank you” for getting me up to speed on online marketing in general. Although I started in this industry back in 2006, I decided to step away from it in 2009 to “semi-retire” (I got laid off from my 9-to-5 gig in November 2009, and that’s when my retirement really began). Once I decided to come back to the biz, you were instrumental in getting me caught up to speed, as well as learning what had came out in my absence.
Also, I still have the AzonTheme, EasyAzon, and Niche Website Theme. I love your products, keep up the good work!
Hey Jessie thanks for the kind words and happy to hear that you’re back. Good luck with your business in 2014!
Such an inspiring income report Chris! How many sites do you own currently? Did you had any problems with the Google updates?
I have a few dozen sites and occasionally yes I have problems. My income is pretty spread out across a lot of different things which is good and bad. Good that it feels more stable but bad in that everyone I know who is doing 7 figures+ profit a year is more focused in on just one thing.
[…] always had the itch to buy an existing site to see if I can improve it.� I’ve watched Chris Guthrie buy some sites and do quite well, along with other success stories I’ve […]
Nice income report Chris. I am glad I read Spencer Haws blog because it led me to your blog. 🙂 Love what both of you are doing so far and decided to take up on it. I have created 2 niche websites. 1 on the first page, earning some Amazon associate income and the other one, climbing up its rankings since it was built less than a month ago. Very excited for this year. My goal = focus!
Hey Fred, thanks for taking the time to comment. You’re already steps ahead of where most other people are. The biggest challenge is just taking that first step and trying something. As you do more and try new things you’ll start stringing successes together and seeing results :D. Guys like Spencer and I are just here to help try and shorten that learning curve for you. Good luck in 2014!
I saw your link on NP from Spencer.
It is amazing to see how you made your income that much a month, congratulations on that!
I can’t wait for more blog posts in 2014, keep up the good work!
Thanks – yah this was my best month of the year but I am working towards growing my overall income and providing further stability. Any time I sell a website or have large one time pops my income throughout the year tends to look pretty erratic.
Your doing very well congratulations on all your success over $86,000 in any month is a great achievement.
P.S. I like your mindset on what you are going to do with your earnings and build up your business even more @ I agree the Tesla can wait:)
I’d really love to see a post about “A Day in the Life of Chris”… like what do you work on, how do you split your work during the day, how you take your mind off work during breaks, what do you work on each hour, etc.
I’d be great to be able to compare to how I work, I feel like I might not work that efficiently so would love to see how you do it.
Hey Kaelos, Yah I should write one of those. I did one before but need to update it 😀
[…] […]
Happy new year Chris,
This is my first visit to your site and I discovered you via Spencer Haws site where he linked to you. I must confess that I’m totally impressed by what you’re doing here man and please, do keep it up.
Your Nov income report is really a mouth watering one and, I’m sure that this year will better than 2013 for all of us here.
I just subscribed to your email list so I will be updated whenever you write a new post and, I will be a regular visitor.
More strength to your elbows man 🙂
Hey Theodore, thanks for taking the time to comment and I look forward to sharing some more in depth case studies for you this year 😀
Hey, Chris.
That is too much money for one man! I recently commented on the post before this, but I forgot to tell you that if you need a writer I’m available for hire. I don’t know if you even hire writers these days, but if you do, I’m here for you! My experience is in the comment URL. I look forward to see what you get yourself into in 2014. Let’s hope all of your projects are fruitful.
Hey Julian, well it’s important to note that it’s my best month of the year. So I’m not doing $86k in profit every month heh.
I am looking for writers but will post about that in the future 😀
Congratulations Chris!!! Im waiting for the dicember and january income report
Really good job Chris.. Your products are great
Thanks Adam!
Fantastic numbers! I thought I’d post this question here as it might help others. What types of liability insurance do you think website owners should carry? The goal is to avoid losing hard earned profits because of lawsuits. My CPA suggested professional liability but after some research I’ve seen people recommend Errors & Omissions coverage, Cyber Liability, and professional indemnity. Thanks!
Your earnings are very good. I hope to one day make $90,000 per month also. I have started a new site in which I have a bot that copies other site’s content and I believe within a few months I may be making that kind of money to. What do you think?
Would you like to buy it?
thank for your blog its inspiring.
Thanks. But I’d suggest you not do bot sites. If you’re using copied content you’ll never really generate much money at all…
Hey. I want to subscribe to your RSS feed. I use feedly and I am unable to find your feed there.
Could you please tell me an alternative to add your feed to my account.
Just sign up for my email list. I send out the articles that way as well.
I already did.
Found the link to your feed as well. Thanks.
The website you sold of $42k should be quite high income potential affiliate website. I would be selling a few websites of mine, and I’m checking your tips on how to get a better price for website 😉
Hey Chris,
What would you say to someone who started an online business & is driving a good amount of traffic but not enough sales? What should they focus on to determine what’s preventing sales?
How did you get your first sales? Find ways to do more of that thing. To be honest it’s hard to give a specific answer to a very vague question.