
  1. November 2014 Amazon Income Report #4

    I’m back with another income update from my Amazon business in November 2014 which marks the fourth month that I’ve been selling physical products on As a reminder this is just one of the businesses I own (or have a stake in) and so it only represents a small…

  2. Like My Podcast? Then You’ll Enjoy This

    If you are a fan of the my podcast, then chances are you’ll enjoy the new BoostWP podcast. The BoostWP Podcast is not a rebranding of my podcast, which I will keep releasing episodes for. The focus of the BoostWP Podcast is more closely tied with tactics that support the…

  3. October 2014 Amazon Income Report #3

    October 2014 marks only the third full month that I’ve been selling private label physical products on and because of the massive interest I’ve seen through comments, questions and emails I’ve decided to start doing regular monthly income reports for this specific business. Spoiler alert: This business is off…

  4. How I sold $12,987.81 on Amazon in 68 days with no pre-existing platform to leverage

    I’m back with another case study update of the product I’m selling on Amazon (read my first update here) and I’m excited to share that in the last 68 days I’ve sold $12,987.81 worth of this one product. The best part is that I’m even on target for a $10,000+…

  5. 5 Proven Methods For $1,000+ Per Month Websites – New Kindle Book

    It is currently only $0.99 via Buck Books (I have a podcast session coming up with the creator of Buck Books you’ll have to check that out). I’ll be raising the price in the future.

  6. Want to learn how to buy and sell digital assets? Join me Oct 24th – 26th in Las Vegas

    On Oct 25th to October 26th I’ll be in Las Vegas for the Rhodium Weekend event where I’ve been invited to speak on the topic of buying and selling websites / digital assets (boo yah).

  7. 1KBlog Case Study – Month 4 Income Report

    Survey Chris just finished up it’s fourth month of being live, and the growth is starting to pick up. If you have missed the first three�months, you can see�month 1,�month 2, and month 3. I already touched on my�1KBlog�case study when I first published ��How to make money with survey…

  8. How I went from $0 sales to $2,981.10 in 30 days selling my product on

    I’ve come full circle on my Amazon journey after finding success with their Associates Program, as a Kindle author and am now selling my first private label product on Amazon (more on what that means in a moment). In my very first 30 days of selling I hit $2,981.10 in…

  9. Free Today Only: My new Kindle book…

    I’ve learned a lot about the online survey niche after building and growing my Survey Chris case study website. The basic premise is that I’m building the site up to make over $1,000+ per month and sharing monthly reports of my progress here on this blog (month 1 income report,…

  10. My $25 p/m unlimited everything phone

    Update: I went back to an iPhone. This was a good experiment but I was just too attached to the experience on my iPhone. I’m a firm believer that to reduce financial stress people should try and do two things: #1. Find a way to earn more money #2. Keep…